Saturday, June 30, 2012

We are OK, just busy


Just to let you know we are OK and spending a lot of time on trains and in rooms, without either the ability or the time to update this blog.  Hopefully we will be able to update soon.  We have been to Bautzen, Germany and Klodkzo, Poland since the last blog.

Right now we are packed up and waiting for a taxi to take us to the train to start our 9 hour travels to Krakow, Poland.  We will spend one night there, see some sights the next day, then travel to Wielczka, Poland where the salt mine with sculptures is for 4 nights.  From there we will take one day trip back to Krakow and one day trip to Auschwitz. 

A little bit more that we learned about Germany.  I know I thought of Germany as the bad guys in the war.  What I’m finding out is that the Germans thought of the Nationalist party as the bad buys who took over their country.  Then the Russians took over their country.  I guess I mentioned it before, but it is still a surprise.  In Bautzen we saw pictures of what the city looked like in 1945.  Both the Germans and the Russians bombed the town.  The town was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The people suffered terribly, just like people on all sides of the war.  WAR IS AWFUL.

In Bautzen there is a church that has both Catholic and Protestant services in it.  It is the only church of its kind in Europe, who knows maybe the world.  This has been going on for centuries.  This town has and had no animosity toward any religion.  They even have a whole section of the church dedicated to the 75 Jewish people who lived in the town, who they were and where they ended up.

Got to go, the taxi is here.

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