Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Aalborg, Denmark


Aalborg looks like what you would think Denmark would look like.  New buildings look modern and the old stuff looks like the pictures you’ve seen.  Here are some.

100_5874 (1024x766)We were met by a welcoming group that included guides to direct us to sights and 2 gentlemen who were our crossing guards.  Not sure whether they are just very friendly or thing tourists are really helpless.  Either way it was very nice.

Our first stop was the Jens Bang’s House, built in 1624.  He did not get along with the town fathers, even though he was the richest man in town, so when he built his mansion he added a figure of himself sticking his tongue out at the town council.

100_5884 (1024x765)The Bang house is the 3 pointed one at the end of the block.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt’s kind of hard to see his whole tongue.  It continues from his mouth down his chin.  It also looks like he is rolling his eyes.

We went to the Budolfi Cathedral.  The best part of that church is the pulpit.  Can you imagine what you would have to wear to stand up there? 

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This is the Monastery of the Holy Ghost.  Notice the lovely door and we noticed that in the windows of what we assume are the chambers, since we were not allowed to enter, are lots of wine glasses.  Are the monks lushes?

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As you would expect, the Dutch really do ride bicycles, lots of them.

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Some more shots of the city.

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