Today we arrived in Lisbon at about 3PM. We leave tomorrow at 3PM. Strange. We cruised up the Tagus River to dock in Lisbon. These pictures were taken during our sailing.
This is the Statue of the Heroes. Included in the statues are Henry the Navigator and Vasca da Gama, who founded a route to India for Portugal.
Here are some pictures of the city from our ship, the Prinsendam.
Black Horse Square
Bridge built to resemble the Golden Gate Bridge…..note the dolphins.
This statue of Christ the Redeemer shows how close the ties are between Lisbon and Buenas Aires.
This building is a state museum with info on the different men who tried to lead Portugal to freedom. It is made of limestone and took 200 years to finish, It was opened in 1957.
Even though it looks like a church, it was never one. I has a beautiful pipe organ that cannot be played due to the echoes cause by the domed ceilings.
More buildings, notice the tile work. There are tiles everywhere.
We came across what we thought was a market place. It was one at one time, but now it is a culinary center. We saw different displays of local dairy product (featured at this time). Notice the cheese press…..notice that you cannot get that design out of that press !!!

We think there may have been a festival recently, since there are decorations on many streets we walked down. We also came across this poster in front of a church. Do you have any idea who she is? She looks like an old 1940’s movie star. What do you think?
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