Sunday, May 20, 2012

Row, Row, Row your boat


Today was our first full day on board the Prinsendam.  Boarding yesterday went smoothly.  We found our way to cabin.  Our suite is a suite.  The ship was pretty well booked up when we made our reservations, so we had to take a suite.  I had concerns about taking the suite, not only because of the price, but because of the luxury of it.  It can be catching.  How do you go back to a smaller cabin.

Anyway, here is a picture of our “cabin”, and yes we love it.

suite on Prinsendam (4)our suite prinsendam (1)our suite prinsendam (2)

This evening we went to dinner in the Lido buffet.  Our plan is to eat there all the time.  I know some people love eating in the formal dining room, being waited on, etc.  Not us.  We like to look at the food first and then design our dish ourselves.  For example, if the fish comes with baked potato and green beans and the steak comes with squash and mashers, we can have the fish with green beans and squash.  Or you could have steak with baked and mashed potatoes.  It is mix and match and we love it.

This evening we have been traveling through a big rain storm, thunder and lightning and the whole works.  Luckily no lightning hit the ship.  I don’t know what happens then.  Hopefully we are the equivalent of “grounded”, you know “oceaned”.  The seas are not too bad, though.  The rain has been coming down in buckets.  In the Lido, there is a dining area outside, it was flooded.  Of course no one was eating outside in the rain.  But right after we got our appetizer, the rain started flooding the dining area.  First on one side of the ship. So we moved to the other side.  Then the water followed us.  Not to be separated from our dinner, we just took our shoes off and started singing (you got it) row, row row your boat. 

flood in the Lido Buffet (7)flood in the Lido Buffet (8)flood in the Lido Buffet (10)

Here are some pictures of the scene.  Hope you can make out the water.  It was great fun.  (for us….I’m not so sure the staff liked it much)

1 comment:

  1. I dont even know if you are getting my posts, Im not sure Im doing this rite, I will contact Deb and ask her how do follow you guys.
    But if you get this we hope you are having the best time ever!
    Love 'sandi and Bill
