Monday, May 28, 2012

Brest, France


Bon Jour from Brest, France.  Brest is a port city.  The day started out cloudy and then proceeded to rain, rather hard at times.  Being the seasoned travelers that we are, we had our rain ponchos with us, so all was well, and is now drying out.

Brest took a heavy beating during WW II, so there is only one neighborhood that has some old buildings in it.  Here are some pictures of the buildings we saw in town.

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This is a public WC (bathroom or water closet).  We did not use it.  (though Duane tried,  it was locked, luckily)

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The main attraction for us, here in Brest, is the castle.  It was a fort, a military outpost and a chateau.  We just love these old things.  It is situated on one bank of the River Penfeld and a tower is on the other.small castle (1024x252)


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These walls were built by the Romans.  Notice how they layered 2 rows and of brick and 6 rows of rock.

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This is the tower on the western bank of the river

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We are in France, so there are lots of pastry shops.  I was good and only took pictures,,,Sad smile

small 4 (4) (1024x768)  Are those video games pieces?  Your know, the ones that eat the dots.

It seems in town that cars park on the sidewalks and people walk in the streets

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Do you think this sign means that adults cannot cross the street, but children can?

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Lovely flowers

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small 6    Unusual aren’t they?

1 comment:

  1. Hope that the couch surfing locations have smoothed out. Really tough for me to support McD's as a Burger King guy, but will try! Some great scenes so far!

    Bill (and Eileen)
