Sunday, May 6, 2012


I forgot, if you choose to follow our blog (sign up as a follower) you will get an email when we blog.  That way you will know when we post something new. 


  1. Sorry we missed you in DC! Have our flight to Budapest arriving Aug 19 and staying at the Hilton Budapest. See you there!

  2. Hope your voyage is so much fun. I know that when we cruise (ed) as in used to, When we took a 3 week crusie I gained weight How are you guys staying on a healful diet for 3 MONTHS! Well I am following every step of the way, that is if I can learn hope to write to you. Hope all is well and you have the most fun and keep those pictures coming.
    Sandi And Bill
    hope this gets to you.

  3. hope I figured out how to get my messages to you
    have fun, you travelers in style...
