Saturday, May 12, 2012

We made it to Florida

We made it to Fort Lauderdale and to our hotel with all of our stuff.  Amazing after changing trains twice. 
We have internet so we can post.  Nice room and it doesn’t rock or boom or whistle.  It actually feels good to stop moving.  Funny thing to say when we are boarding our ship tomorrow.
We board tomorrow and see our cabin.  After the tiny roomettes on the trains, any size cabin will feel luxurious.  This motel room feels like a mansion.  If’s just a regular motel room, but everything is by comparison.
We have a kitchenette, so for the first time in maybe 20 years we had frozen food meals.  For breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And you know what……they are pretty tasty and they are pretty healthy.  Well tomorrow we have ship food.  Goody.
More after sailing,,

1 comment:

  1. I finally figured out how to "follow" your blog. Google doesn't make things easy. You would think there might be a button on your blog that says "Follow", but if there is, I couldn't find it. Have fun!
